Выпуск комикса за 31 августа 1986 года

Оригинальный текст:

*beep beep bip boop*
Jon: Hello? Lost and found? Take this down, «Missing: My two precious pets answering to the names 'Garfield', and 'Odie'. When found, contac Jon Arbuckle, 711 Maple Street, Large reward. Repeat, LARGE reward.» That «large reward» bit will have everybody looking.
«The next day...»
Jon: Ah! There's my ad. Jon boy, you thought of everything.
Jon: I wonder who that could be?
Man: Whoa, Simba! Er, I mean, Odie.
Boy. I found Garfield and Odie, mithter.
Jon: Maybe I should have been more specific.

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