« 22 апр 1984 »
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предлагаемые теги: 🐱 Гарфилд👦 Джон Арбакл

Выпуск комикса за 22 апреля 1984 года

Оригинальный текст:

Jon: Thank heavens for these reduced airline rates, Garfield.
Garfield: No frills, no food, no class.
Woman: Welcome to the inversion laer airlines, sire. In what section are you traveling?
Jon: Uh...third class.
Woman: What section, sir?
Jon: Third class.
Woman: I can't hear you!
Woman: In the back with the rest of the slime, you vermin!
Jon: Why can't I get any respect, Garfield?
Garfield: In this game, you must BUY respect my friend.

Не согласен с переводом? Предложи свою версию!
