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*Bat bat*
Garfield: I hate mondays.
*Пум пум*
Гарфилд: Ненавижу понедельники.

Garfield: I hate Mondays

Garfield: Oh, goody. It's monday morning
Garfield: I love monday mornings. You know why? Because I don't have to go to work
Гарфилд: Чудесное утро понедельника
Гарфилд: Обожаю понедельники. Знаете, почему? МНЕ-ТО на работу не надо!

Garfield: I hate Mondays.

Garfield: YAWN. It must be Monday.

Garfield: I wonder what today is?
Garfield: Monday.

Garfield: It's Monday. Nothing good ever happens to me on Mondays. So I'm going to stay in the middle of this big field all day, where I can't get hurt.

Garfield: Hello. What's this? I hate Mondays.

Garfield: You know it's Monday when you find sharks circling in your water bowl.

Garfield: I hate Mondays.

Garfield: I hate Mondays.

Garfield: OH, NO! I am DEFINITELY not getting out of bed today. Not on Monday the 13th.

Garfield: Maybe I wouldn't hate Mondays so much if I didn't have this calendar here to remind me
Гарфилд: Может, я бы не так сильно ненавидел понедельники, если бы у меня не было календаря, напоминающего мне о них

Garfield: I hate Mondays. And just why do I hate Mondays? Because Mondays hate me.

Garfield: I hate Mondays. Maybe if I tore Mondays off the calendar there'd be no more Mondays
Гарфилд: Ненавижу понедельники. Может, если бы я оторвал от календаря понедельники, их больше бы не было

Garfield: It's Monday morning. A cold, gray, drizzly Monday morning. Some dude with a trumpet is wailin' some blues on the radio and my breakfast is cold. It's all so perfectly depressing I can't wipe this smile off my face.

Garfield: Monday's don't scare me...
Garfield: oh,sure, they cheese me off, but they don't care me

Calendar: December
Garfield: Yet another monday... There oughta be a law. Five mondays in a month is just wrong!
Календарь: Декабрь
Гарфилд: Ещё один понедельник... Должен быть какой-то закон. Пять понедельников в месяц это неправильно!

Garfield: Because it's monday, that's why
Гарфилд: А потому что понедельник

Garfield: Sigh... I wish there was an opt-out button for mondays
Гарфилд: Эх... Вот бы у понедельников была кнопка «отписаться»

Garfield: If I don't open my eyes, monday can't get me

Garfield: Ah, monday... I try to ease into the week. So that by the time I'm fully awake, it's friday

Garfield: Know what's the best part of walking up on a monday morning? Me neither. Z

Garfield: Monday stress ball
Гарфилд: Антистресс на понедельник

Garfield: Monday... Side effects include headache, nausea, fatigue and general apathy
Гарфилд: Понедельник... Побочные эффекты: головная боль, тошнота, усталость и общая апатия

Garfield: Process will execute in... Three, two, one... Monday mode engaged
Гарфилд: Процесс запустится через... Три, два, один... Режим понедельника включён

Garfield: Monday... It's like a terrible movie... With sequels
Гарфилд: Понедельник... Он как отвратительный фильм... С сиквелами

Garfield: I have this recurring nightmare. Called monday
Гарфилд: У меня есть кошмар, который повторяется. Называется «понедельник»

Garfield: Mondays... There's one in every single week, 52 times a year. Seems a bit excessive to me

Garfield: I locked the door, closed the curtains and turned the lights off. But to no avail... Monday got in through the pet door
Гарфилд: Я запер дверь, задёрнул шторы и выключил везде свет. Но всё бесполезно... Понедельник проник через дверцу для питомцев

Garfield: I would like to thank gravity for making this Monday possible

*Sniff sniff*
Garfield: PEEYEEEW! Smells like monday

Garfield: This means you, monday
Гарфилд: Понедельник, я тебя имею в виду

Garfield: They say every day is a gift. Question... Can we return the mondays?

Garfield: I haven't seen a monday this bad since... Last monday

Garfield: Ugh. A tofu burger. The monday of foods
Гарфилд: Ох. Бургер с тофу. Еда понедельника.

Garfield: We all have a purpose in life. I'm here... To spread a little monday morning sunshine

Garfield: Sigh... It's a scientific fact. Monday minutes are longer than weekend minutes

Garfield: Even Mondays are better in December
Garfield: But not by much

Text: You will have the best day ever. Please note... Not valid on mondays
