Выпуск комикса за 22 сентября 2002 года
Оригинальный текст:
Jon: Table for two, please.
Woman: Well, this is a nice blind date.
Jon: It sure is.
Woman: You're Jon, right?
Jon: Yes...and what is your name again?
Woman: Euphemia.
Woman: Do you find my name amusing?
Jon: Nope!...Just a little leg cramp...
Woman: That's a funny expression for a leg cramp.
Jon: I'm...laughing through the pain...EeeeEEE- -eeeEUPHEMIA!! HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW!
Garfield: Didn't even make it past the breadsticks.
Jon: Table for two, please.
Woman: Well, this is a nice blind date.
Jon: It sure is.
Woman: You're Jon, right?
Jon: Yes...and what is your name again?
Woman: Euphemia.
Woman: Do you find my name amusing?
Jon: Nope!...Just a little leg cramp...
Woman: That's a funny expression for a leg cramp.
Jon: I'm...laughing through the pain...EeeeEEE- -eeeEUPHEMIA!! HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW! HAW!
Garfield: Didn't even make it past the breadsticks.