Выпуск комикса за 20 марта 1983 года
Оригинальный текст:
Jon: This looks like a good spot to rest.
Garfield: I never saw a spot that wasn't a good spot to rest.
Jon: Well, Garfield, here we are in the great outdoors.
Garfield: It's outdoors all right, but I'd debate the «great».
Jon: Just listen to the sounds of nature.
Garfield: Sounds like noise to me.
Jon: Nature can actually speak to you, you know.
Garfield: Go on.
Jon: Hear that? Nature is speaking to you now.
Garfield: Wait. I do hear something... I HEAR IT! I HEAR IT! Nature is saying, «Garfield the cat. You're a long way from your warm bed and television set.»
Jon: This looks like a good spot to rest.
Garfield: I never saw a spot that wasn't a good spot to rest.
Jon: Well, Garfield, here we are in the great outdoors.
Garfield: It's outdoors all right, but I'd debate the «great».
Jon: Just listen to the sounds of nature.
Garfield: Sounds like noise to me.
Jon: Nature can actually speak to you, you know.
Garfield: Go on.
Jon: Hear that? Nature is speaking to you now.
Garfield: Wait. I do hear something... I HEAR IT! I HEAR IT! Nature is saying, «Garfield the cat. You're a long way from your warm bed and television set.»