« 19 янв 2003 »

предлагаемые теги: 🐱 Гарфилд👦 Джон Арбакл

Выпуск комикса за 19 января 2003 года

Оригинальный текст:

Jon: Sigh... ...So I took her to this fancy restaurant and everything was going fine..when I missed my mouth and stuffed a breadstick up my nose. My date laughed and inhaled an olive, I jumped up to help her, not realizing I had tucked the tablecloth into my pants. Well, that knocked the candle over, setting the tablecloth on fire. So I go running through the restaurant trailing a blazing tablecloth when the sprinkler system goes off. Now, everybody starts screaming and diving out windows, and my date...well... Do you know what a really wet, really mad sheep dog looks like?
Garfield: First dates are always so awkward.

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