Выпуск комикса за 14 июля 1985 года
Оригинальный текст:
Garfield; King Cattaeatalotta gives a peace offering to the volcano that claimed young princess angora. Up against the wall, you crumbums, or I'll give your backsides a taste of my daisy! Make love, not dog pounds. Here, my dear. Perhaps this will make up for leaving you alone to fend off the border guards. Ahee Ah-ee ah!
Jon: What happened to my flower bed?!
Garfield; Scuttlebutt at the precinct is that your daises were vandalized by an overactive imagination.
Garfield; King Cattaeatalotta gives a peace offering to the volcano that claimed young princess angora. Up against the wall, you crumbums, or I'll give your backsides a taste of my daisy! Make love, not dog pounds. Here, my dear. Perhaps this will make up for leaving you alone to fend off the border guards. Ahee Ah-ee ah!
Jon: What happened to my flower bed?!
Garfield; Scuttlebutt at the precinct is that your daises were vandalized by an overactive imagination.