« 06 июл 2008 »

предлагаемые теги: 🐱 Гарфилд👦 Джон Арбакл👧 Лиз
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Выпуск комикса за 06 июля 2008 года

Оригинальный текст:

Liz: Jon, you need to rethink your wardrobe.
Jon: I do?
Liz: Come on, we'll start by going through your closet. Hmmm...let's see.well, this has to go..oh, ick, and this, too...
Jon: But I love that shirt!
Liz: And this, and this, and this, and this, and...WHAT is THAT?!
Jon: That?
Garfield: Poor thing. She found the powder blue polyester leisure suit.
Jon: It still fits!

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