Выпуск комикса за 10 октября 1999 года
Оригинальный текст:
john: I had an accident today at the salad bar
John: I smacked my face into the clear sneeze guard and knocked a crock of garbanzo beans onto the floor
John: A fat woman slipped on them and somersaulted onto the soup-of-the- day tureen
John: Then her husband threw a ball of broccoli florets at me and I ducked, Falling face first into the french dressing
john: I had an accident today at the salad bar
John: I smacked my face into the clear sneeze guard and knocked a crock of garbanzo beans onto the floor
John: A fat woman slipped on them and somersaulted onto the soup-of-the- day tureen
John: Then her husband threw a ball of broccoli florets at me and I ducked, Falling face first into the french dressing
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