« 02 авг 1987 »

предлагаемые теги: 🐱 Гарфилд🌷 цветок

Выпуск комикса за 02 августа 1987 года

Оригинальный текст:

Garfield: Hello, plants.
Flower 1: Oh no!
Flower 2: Shoo!
Flower 3: Scat!
Garfield: Well, let's see what's on the menu today.
Flower 2: Mrs. Brown! There's a cat out here!
Garfield: I think I'll start with a salad.
Flower 1: Nooo!
Flower 3: Run, Harold! Run!
Flower 2: Haroold! He got Harold!
Garfield: Burp.
Flower 2: Oh, Ralph! What will we do?!
Flower 3: Stay calm, Tammy. I'll jump of the sill and run for help!
Garfield: Now for dessert.
Flower 2: Hurry, Ralph!
Flower 3: I think I broke something!

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